The School’s first and the most prestigious ceremonies christened as Investiture Ceremony on which the students are bestowed with ranks and officially made obeisance to take responsible stake holders to run the school its most diligent & effective way.


Chief guest Dr. Samatha Vellanki, Asst. Chief of Medicine is Harris Methodist Hospital, Dallas, Houston, USA had graced the occasion.  A former alumni of Sri Prakash enlighted the audience with her message “Know the importance of your teacher and schooling in shaping your future”.

Synergising their vows and values the students of four houses presented a synchrosized march past accompanied by the school music bands enchanting musical notes.

The Director Mr.Ch.Vijay Prakash addressed the gathering, exhorted the students to equip themselves with breath of courage, confidence and conviction to be truly successful.  He wished the new council members every success.
